Department of Psychology Alumni

Students from the Master of Science and Master of Arts programs are highly successful in a variety of areas. This includes going on for doctoral degrees, counseling and a variety of clinical settings, research, education, administrative positions, human resources, community service, and health.

Congratulations to our many graduates over the years. We wish them continued success in their endeavors.

Alumni Updates

Nadia Alvarez, MS 2011: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Stephanie Aoki, MS 2013: PhD in counseling Psychology at Arizona State University.

Michael Baker, MA 2016: Teaching part-time at CSUF and Chaffey College.

Trevor Basil, MA 2016: PhD at UC Riverside ('21), teaching part-time at CSUF.

Michelle Berumen, MS 2010: Attending law school in San Francisco, CA.

Shiloh Betterley, MA 2013: Taught part-time at CSUF and Fullerton College.

Chloe Boyle, MS 2012: PhD in health psychology at UCLA.

Emily Cheng

Farina Chinoy, MS 2011: PhD program in transpersonal psychology.

Brettany Clemens, MA 2014: Market research executive at Pureprofile, Sydney, Australia.

Jennifer Coons, MA 2013: PhD in Personality and Social Psychology from UC Riverside, Post-Doc research at UC Riverside, teaching part-time at CSUF.

Franchesca Cortez, MA 2014: PhD in Quantitative at USC.

Erin Crecelius, MA 2013: Taught part-time at CSUF.

Cheryl Crippen: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Amy Douma, BA: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Thomas Farmer: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Brian Follick, MS 2012: PsyD program at University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN.

Theresa Fraser, MS 2011: PhD in Clinical emphasis forensics at Sam Houston University, TX.

Melissa Fuimara, MS 2014: Staffing specialist at a consulting and staffing firm.

Allyson Furry, MA 2014: Research analyst at Orange County Health Care Agency.

Nicole Graham, MS 2012: PhD program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. Worked as a research associate at Broward College.

Amanda Golden-Eddy, MA 2023: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Stephen Hager

Jennifer Hall, MS 2013: Clinical therapist at a guidance center in Long Beach, CA.

Andrew Iverson, MA 2013: Research assistant at Washington State University.

Shiela Kelley, MS 2012: Taught part-time at CSUF, wellness coach at Herbalife.

Milagros Kudo, MS 2009: PhD in education at UC Riverside.

Chaz Larsen, MA 2013; Educator at Lululemon Athletica.

Mary Madracki, MS 2009: Teaching part-time at CSUF, MFT.

Crystal McIndoo, MS 2011: Clinical PhD at University of Tennessee. 

Laura Minero, MA 2014: PhD in Counseling Psychology at University of Wisconsin.

Timothy Morton, MA 2020: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Rachel Motoyoshi, MS 2021: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Shruti Mukkamala, MS 2009: PhD in spirituality and health at University of Massachusets, Boston.

Jaimee Munson, MA 2013: Working in the mental health care industry; supervisor/parent consultant at Autism Sprectrum Interventions.

Dina Naji, MA 2019: PhD in Psychology at UCSB.

Isil Necef, MS 2014: Taught part-time at CSUF.

Brenna Norris, MA 2012: Communications and Social Media at The Optical Society of Southern California.

Nick O'Dell, MA 2013: PhD in Cognitive Psychology at University of Ohio.

Joseph Palau, MS 2011: Working in research at UCLA.

Jonathan Park, MA 2017: PhD program in Human Development and Family Studies at Pennsylvania State University, t aught part-time at CSUF.

Jeannette Pattison, MA: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Amanda Perry, MS 2012: Teaching part-time at CSUF, Fullerton College, and Mt. SAC.

Netasha Pizano, MA 2019: Taught part-time at CSUF.

Ian Roberson, MA 2013: Taught part-time at CSUF, Clinical Research Coordinator at Behavioral Research Specialists, LLC.

Brianna Ruff, MA 2021: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Rachel Salamone, MS 2022: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Tetsuo Sato, MS 2010: PhD in counseling at University of Louisville, KY.

Tracey Sohner, MS 2013:Working in human resources at California Broiler.

Kyle Smith, MS 2015: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Pamela Smith, MS 2012: MFT intern at Straight Talk clinic and teaching part-time at CSUF.

Melinda Snyder, MA 2013: Taught part-time at CSUF.

Christina Sun, MS 2007: PhD in Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, MD.

Brittney Swanson, MS 2013: Assistant Dean for Student Academic Services, College of Humanities and Social Sciences at CSUF.

Joanne Tan, MS 2012: Assistant in the Culture and Cognition Laboratory, UC Berkley.

Jennifer Teutsher, MS 2014: Primary therapist at Shoreline Center for Eating Disorder Treatment, CA.

Jenna Tomei, MS 2013: PhD program in clinical psychology at Sam Houston University, TX.

Timothy Tran

Dmitry Tsukerman, MS 2013: Taught part-time at CSUF.

Niharika Uberoi, MA 2012: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Masako Ura, MA 2014: PhD in Education/Quantitative at UC Riverside, taught part-time and currently advising for Psychology at CSUF.

Kathryn Walker, MS 2013: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Yuko Watabe, MS 2008: Taught part-time at CSUF, Clinical PhD at Ohio University, Athens.

Chelsea Wise, MS 2013: Working as a mental health clinician at Western Youth.

Jenny Young, MA 2021: Teaching part-time at CSUF.

Alexander (Brian) Yu, MS 2010: Graduated with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at University of North Texas. Currently a Licensed Psychologist, Sport Psychologist, and owner of Prevail Performance Counseling.