Labs and Facilities

The department houses several specialized research labs. In addition, department faculty are involved with several campus research centers.

Twin Studies Center

The Twin Studies Center was established in 1991 by Professor Nancy Segal, who is the current Director of the center. The aims of the Twin Studies Center are to

  • promote research experience and training for graduate students and qualified undergraduates in the psychology department.
  • respond to requests for information about multiple births from members of the academic and non-academic communities.
  • enhance public awareness of the unique biological and psychological aspects of twinning through publications and by participation in public events.

For more information, contact Dr. Segal by e-mail or phone 657) 278-2568.

Decision Research Center

The Decision Research Center, founded in 1986, supports research and instructional activities of faculty and students in the study of behavioral decision-making. Research conducted in the center includes experimental and theoretical studies of 1) basic psychological laws of judgment and decision-making under conditions of risk, uncertainty, and ambiguity; 2) the effect of sudden changes in wealth on a person's attitude toward risk (such as the effects of winning a prize in the lottery on financial decisions); 3) effects of the judge's point of view on judgments and decisions; and 4) combinations of information from sources of varied expertise and bias to form judgments and decisions. The center is located in H-532, phone 657) 278-2102. For more information, contact Dr. Michael Birnbaum

Social Science Research Center

The Social Science Research Center (SSRC) was established in 1987 to provide research services to community organizations and research support to CSUF faculty. The primary goal of the SSRC is to assist non-profit and tax-supported agencies and organizations to answer research questions that will lead to improved service delivery and public policy. As a university-based center, the SSRC is able to assist in proposal preparation and in all phases of social research including the development of survey and evaluation instrumentation, research design, data collection, statistical analysis, and technical report writing. The SSRC has strong local and staewide reputation for excellent applied research and evaluation in health care, education, criminal justice and community settings. The the center is located in MH-038, phone 657) 278-3185.